Thursday, April 1, 2010

thoughts on this memorable day

Good friday and Easter sunday are 2 important days for Catholics & Christians..Jesus died n rose what is main purpose for remembering good friday n celebrating Easter?i believe we grieve and reflect on what Jesus did for us on this's also known as the day of repentance. knowing He suffered & died for our sins..reminds us the sacrificial love He gave us...i'm sure it pains our heart to see what He went thru as portrayed in the movie Passion of the Christ..but little did i know the philippinos does self-flagellation every good friday..which is their way of showing their repentance of sins..hmm...this made me wonder why nobody stopped this until i saw an article bout it today

so thankfully The Roman Catholic Church are rejecting these practices & bishops actually believes that repentance and self-renewal are the true expressions of Christian faith..not self-flagellation.

aft grieving bout Jesus's comes Easter when we celebrate His resurrection =) Its a joyous day & we know He lives in us..i still rmb when i was 5 yrs old..attending children's hour in main church, we used to make crafts using eggs..designing, colouring..making it so beautiful. i only knw that it represents new life..but nvr question y my Easter is all about eggs??lol..

it will be a different Easter for me this yr as i'll b spending my easter in Philippines ^^

--i'll miss the celebration going on in my church too~--